How to get Veterinary Experience: a little bit of luck & a whole lot of confidence!
In this post we'll walk you through getting experience, what to expect, and how to prepare. Attached at the bottom of this post is a list of local veterinary clinics & their contact information :)

Step 1: Update your Resume
Before getting into anything, you'll want to take a look at your resume. Regardless of the amount of experience you've had whether it be animal or veterinary related, make sure to have a resume ready-to-go . Take a trip to career services, look for templates online, or reach out to your PVMA team. We'll be happy to help!
Step 2: Phone Calls/ Emails
Okay. We all know phone calls can be a bit intimidating, but if you're looking to shadow or volunteer in a clinic it's essential to have confidence & good communication! After going through our generated list of local Santa Barbara veterinary clinics, choose the ones that seem the most appealing to you- then work from there. Not sure what to say? Use this as a reference:
"Hi my name is ____, I am a pre-veterinary student and was wondering if your clinic offers any volunteer and/ or shadowing opportunities?"
You DON'T have to say this word for word, but something simple & to the point will work just fine. Take a breath & know that you got this!
Step 3: What to Expect
You'll get one of the following responses:
1. No I'm sorry, we don't offer any shadowing or volunteer opportunities here.
2. Something along the lines of yes we do!
From here you should: plan out a time of when you can drop off or email your resume/ come in to volunteer/ interview/ etc.
Depending on the Practice- You may only be able to watch exams/ procedures (which is still veterinary experience), if you're a volunteer they may allow you to help out with laundry/ clean up, regardless of what they have you do- BE A SPONGE. Asks questions when appropriate, be attentive to any new information you may learn, and most of all show interest! If you are engaged with staff, it may help you down the road.
You may get lucky and get a yes on your first try, you may get get an opportunity after 50 tries. The reality is everyone will have their own path & experience. Don't loose hope, there's countless of doors out there constantly opening & closing as long as you stay persistent. Maybe try calling again in a few months to check in, or researching different ways to get veterinary experience!
If at first you don't succeed try & try again!