After a long 1.5 years of online education, we are finally returning to campus. This transition is difficult for many, including myself. Leaving the comfort of attending Zoom lectures from bed and not having to worry about running late is hard.
For some, this is the first time being on a college campus after missing out on the last year(s) of high school. For others, this is the first time attending college as a transfer student. Regardless of whether it's your first time on campus or not, this transition is one that will take a while to adjust to. Forming study groups in classes will help you balance your workload with personal life.
Being open with your professors about any issues you're having is important. If you're concerned about COVID protocols, reach out to your professors and TAs about any extra precautions they could take for ensuring class safety, such as enforcing mask mandates and social distancing. In bigger classrooms, especially, this is important to help a smooth and safe transition to in-person education. Double mask if you're concerned, and get tested frequently if you come into contact with large groups of people. Your safety is of the utmost importance when coming back to campus.
The stress of moving back to campus is one that often isn't talked about. Check out campus resources, such as UCSB CAPs or College of Letters and Sciences Advising, for academic and emotional support. Start conversations with friends and/or family about your feelings if you're comfortable -- having a support system, whether it's through loved ones or professionals, is key to a healthy relationship with education.
Here are some tips for making the transition back to campus smoother:
Reach out to professionals (UCSB CAPs or College of Letters and Sciences Advising) or loved ones for support
Take a lighter course load to give yourself more energy to focus on the transition
Talk to professors and TAs about any additional stressors or concerns to ensure that they are addressed -- they will support you!
If physical health is your main concern, double mask and get tested regularly! Testing is free at the Loma Pelona (on campus) and Linda Vista (FT) clinics, and appointments can be scheduled through your Student Health Portal
Have a wonderful first quarter back on campus, and we here at PVMA wish you all the best!